Sunday, 23 February 2014

New stickers

Just to let you know I have some lovely new stickers which are based on some of the card designs from the
Bee set. So all of you that dislike cutting out all the shapes can now create the cards using the stickers!!!
Here is a sneek preview and they will be for sale.from the online shop really soon.


I have some other goodies on the way soon, at the moment they are at the printers but as soon as I have piccies I will post them on the blog.

Bee Happy


New card on You Tube

Many thanks to Becki from Hobby Art for videoing me demonstrating how to make a cute little Duck tag from the All About Babies set, here is a picture and the coded shapes I have used....

You can watch the video on You Tube by clicking or copying the link below....

I will be posting some more You Tube clips soon.

I plan to be doing a Demo at the Craft Barn on Saturday, hope to see you there.

Bee Happy